
Welcome back to the natural look with plastic surgery and injectables

Who hasn’t cringed at the sight of a celebrity (or a friend) with overdone fillers or obvious plastic surgery? If you believe the hype now circulating online, everyone is lining up to have their fillers dissolved, breast implants removed, and BBLs reversed. Courteney Cox, Kylie Jenner, Simon Cowell, and a long list of others have… Read More »

Why ultrasound is indispensable in plastic surgery

Ultrasound technology has become integral to modern plastic surgery practice. We use it for noninvasive skin lifting (Ultherapy), screening silicone breast implants for silent rupture, and placement of TAP blocks to dramatically reduce discomfort after tummy tucks. Ultrasound is used to analyze problems with dermal fillers, measure skin thickness for evaluation of rejuvenation techniques, and… Read More »

Understanding breast implant sizes: how to make the right choice

Good news: there are a LOT of options now for breast implants, which makes it easier to choose the size and shape that is best for each individual. The not-so-good news is that having so many variables can make it more confusing. Here is how to simplify the process and improve the odds of knowing… Read More »

Update on Breast Implant Illness: What we know now

Though most women are happy with their breast implants, over the past couple of years we have been seeing more patients requesting removal. For most it is a simple decision based on preference, but some patients are motivated by a pattern of symptoms that they attribute to their implants. This has come to be known… Read More »

All about the Browlift: Why, When, and How

Browlifts are among the most useful but misunderstood procedures in plastic surgery. Lifting and shaping the brow is often the key to restoring a natural look for the upper face. There are several misconceptions about browlifts (also called forehead lifts), the most common being that they result in a surprised appearance. Not so! What browlifts… Read More »

Anti-aging supplements: what works

  Do anti-aging supplements work? It’s a simple question with a complicated answer, but there’s increasing evidence that some of them do, and many do not. The problem is measuring the results, especially if you are a stickler about what anti-aging means. It certainly isn’t practical to use life span as an endpoint in clinical… Read More »

The surprising reason why breast implants might protect against breast cancer

It’s an open secret that having breast implants is associated with a lower risk of developing breast cancer. With all of the recent concern about the connection between textured breast implants and ALCL (a type of lymphoma that can develop in the scar capsule), it is surprising to many that overall, having breast implants seems… Read More »

Our technology & science meets your beauty.

Our expertise, coupled with science-based technologies and the latest in advanced techniques at PHASE Plastic Surgery, is how we continue to be the best surgical and non-surgical facility Seattle has to offer. We’re honored and excited to join you on your aesthetic journey toward looking and feeling your best. To get started, complete our consultation form, or call us at (425) 776-0880.