Who doesn’t dream of flat, toned abs? It’s part of the reason why the tummy tuck is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures. Real or perceived, it is also considered one of the most painful operations, which scares some people away. But no longer! In this article I’ll share my expertise and help explain the ‘Tylenol Tummy Tuck’, a cutting-edge procedure that takes the concern (and most of the pain) out of achieving a tighter midsection.
Reduce The Risk Of Pain
When it comes to popular cosmetic procedures, the tummy tuck consistently ranks in the Top 5, right behind liposuction and breast augmentation for women. A tummy tuck removes excess tissue and skin that may not respond to diet or exercise, but even with its popularity, there can be the pain pitfall. There is some reluctance to sign up for the surgery because of the pain associated with getting a trim midsection, which most experts admit can be a mental hurdle to overcome.
In recent years however, new products are changing techniques and providing pain relief. I’ve been quoted as saying “One of the things that we’ve been doing is using an innovative drug called Exparel, which is a long-lasting numbing agent.” I say this because the success of Exparel has prompted a new procedure called the ‘TAPBlock”. It’s basically a specific way of injecting the material into a layer where all the nerves come into the abdomen — and so if you get it right there, in the right place it just numbs up the whole wall and there is not much pain. In my practice, I use ultrasound to help place the numbing drug in exactly the right spot to provide maximum relief for my patients. They tend to feel almost nothing at all, which is amazing to say the least.
What Does TAP Stand For?
It’s a short phrase for some big time relief. TAP stands forTransversus Abdominis Plane, the area where the pain medication is injected. By injecting the numbing agent allows the patient to use less pain medication throughout the procedure and recovery. The reason I call it the ‘Tylenol Tummy Tuck’ is because it reduces pain and requires fewer pain medications. Labeling it that way may imply there is NO pain, which isn’t the case, but with TAP the discomfort and pain from the tummy tuck is greatly reduced and patients will wake up feeling almost no pain at all.
Less Pain Means Better Recovery
One of the first questions about any cosmetic procedure often relates to pain associated with the procedure and how that will impact recovery. I always tell patients that the use of TAP works to minimize not only pain, but the worry associated with it. A tummy tuck can be a significant ordeal to recover from, but if you wake up feeling good you are going to be more active and recover more quickly. I also add that patients who don’t feel as much pain are more likely to recover quicker and report success. In the end, you are just going to have a better experience overall if you feel less pain.
The TAP block will provide relief for several days and can help eliminate complications from surgery. If a patient isn’t feeling pain and is active right away after a tummy tuck, they are less likely to get blood clots, constipation and nausea. Feeling better sooner is the goal in any tummy tuck operation, and if you can avoid all of that then you will be ahead of the game.